Saturday, June 20, 2009

June 13th Cont'd....

Funnily enough i was doing my washing in the hostel when i met a couple of Australian guys from the Central Coast doing washing (yes we do it believe it or not!!).

Discovered Sainsbury's across the road from the hostel. Bought an 8 Pack of Carlsberg Export for £6 What a total bargain. Supermarkets in Australia are robbing us blind compared to some of the prices i've seen. Even a 32" LG HD LCD Television for $600 do the math!
Took the beers nad some snacks back to the hostel leisure or chillout room and drank and ate with the guys from the central coast and 4 American girls talking about differences in cultures!!

Harmy ran today (13th) also and has a room at the pub in Southampton that him and his wife Rebekah are running. Its called the The Grape.#

Toni also rang me but after 6 or 7 beers i think i just rambled on and waisted her money!! :-) Sorry Toni!!

Also suspect that i may have a dose of sunburn!!?? How can that be?

P.S Sorry about the delays in posting but its quiet hard with the amount im doing to get it out - but im getting there......eventually!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

June 13th

My daily ritual starts.......wake up at 5:45am fidget around and try to go back to sleep....then get up and have a shower in the small box its like a little room that is about 1.9m high and the shower head is about a the 1.6m mark - at least it works and it is hot! And wearing thongs are a must - wouldnt know what i would pickup with bear feet - but you see all the people wearing no thongs!!! Dodgy!!

Went on a "free" walking tour today. (What the free part entails is that the guide only works on a tips basis - so technically you could walk away from the tour for free but you feel guilty and tip them - i gave them all my change that was small so about 3 or 4 pound - there was about 20 people in our group - so you work the math out!)

Caught the Tube to Hyde Park Corner where it started. There is a war memorial there - dedicated to British / American / N.Z and and Australian memorial was being erected. Took lots of pics of that.

Went to Buckingham Palace - the Queen was home as it was her birthday celebrations and there was people and police everywhere!

Saw Pall Mall - the street on the Monopoly board. Its very posh... toured Trafalgar Square again but was better with a guide. Saw a military fly over for the queen.

Also the Gentlemans clubs were pointed out and apparently in one of them they have a 60 year waiting que!! you only get in when a current member dies! Nice to know!

Went and got some lunch at a place in Covent Garden called Verve with some of the other that were in the tour group after it ended.
Most of the others that came to lunch were American - they think you have to tip! I told them that Australians rarely ever tip and they were shocked! I just laughed....

Me and two American girls Lizzy and Beth (both staying in the same dorm room decided to go back to Westminster Abbey and do a tour but turned up 15mins to late...

Saw the funniest thing though. Walking back to the underground about 100 + people that were nude riding their bikes through the street! Dont know exactly what that was the purpose but it got peoples attention! Got some pictures as well! - Dont worry there was heaps of people taking their pics! Funny as!

Went back to the hostel and did some washing which was good to sit down and relax after walking for so long during the day...

June 12th

Didnt get much sleep last night - about 3hrs or so - apparently its called Jetlag and believe me i hate it!!

If feels really weird - i feel like a duck out of water!

Had a shower and breakfast and had a quick walk through Borough Markets with a German guy named Denis that was staying in my dorm room.

Went to St. Pauls Cathedral cost £11 to get in but was really interesting and really good views of London. (definately got some pics taken. - im working out how to get them uploaded at the moment.)

Had some lunch and walked up to Covent Garden and picked up my cricket Twenty/20 tickets from the Fanatics office for Mondays game - whoever that will be!!

Lesson 1: Dont wear thongs when you walked the distance that i covered! Very very uncomfortable.

Went to Trafalgar Square - took heaps of pictures and went to Nation Gallery - got a bit cultured and checked out Picaso paintings and Van Gogh's artworks and alot of other paintings. What i found good were the little captions that tell you about the paintings...Time goes very quickly when you do this!!

Checked out No.10 Downing St - took some pics of the police at the front gate - you wouldnt want to mess with them! Heavily armed with machine guns - so i made sure i took some pics of them.. just like every other tourist!

Sitting writing in my journal across the Thames River from Big Ben and Houses of Parliament some guys wanted to interview me about digital cameras! So i didnt - they told me what website or show it would be on - but cant remember any of that information - probably a good thing!! :-)

Took some pictures of the London Eye - it costs £17 to go on it - robbery!

London seems to me to be way too fast paced for my liking at the moment. Trying to enjoy myself.

Also forgot to mention that i got myself a SIM Card and spoke with Mum last night and Duane this morning. Was good to talk to them! :-)

June 11th Continued

- Finally landed at Zurich for 1/2hr and boarded another Swiss Air flight to London Heathrow. Got off plane and past customs successfully in no time at all - i think i was the last person in T2 or Terminal 2. Once i got through customs my bag was waiting for me on the carousel. No problems no lost baggage not until i find out the the Underground Tube employees were on strike! It cost me £16 to get on the Heathrow Express which was nice and comfortable but then i had to get off at Paddington and catch a taxi from the to Southwark. That set me back £21 just to get to my accomodation.

It was turning into the longest day ever and i found that when i got to the hostel i couldnt get a bed until 2:00pm which i rocked up to 10am. So i decided to put my back out in luggage and go sightseeing! 26hrs and virtually no sleep does bad things to you!

You just feel like you want to drop dead.

Walked to London Tower, London Tower Bridge and a park that was dedicated to all the British Fisherman lost at sea. It was really peaceful there so i decided to sit down for a while and write in my journal for the first time!

Finally got back to the hostel at 2:05pm and got into my dorm and had a shower and tried to sleep but only succeeding getting about 1.5hrs sleep.

Then got up and walked to Temple Station Walkabout for a Fanatics information night about the San Fermin festival in Spain (or Running of the Bulls). Met my first lots of Australians in London - which felt really good! Awesome bunch of people that saw me for the first time which a Tooheys New in my hand and called me a "Freshie" the reckon that only the people straight off the plane drink Australian beer! Guilty as charged! Hung abouts til 12:30pm UK time and walked back to hostel and tried some sleep.

Wednesday / Thursday 10th/11th June

Sorry about the delay in the updates but here is the start of them.

(A quick FYI: I hurt my back before i left so when you hear mention of my back you know what im talking about.)

Well, here I am still flying at 11:10am australian time.. Feels like
I have been flying for days. It makes it worse when you are in cattle
class and they make you board from the front of the plane which
translates to walking through first class and business class! How
different is that!! Apparently money talks, it's another world and I'm
sure stretching out and having a decent snooze without being crammed
in like a sardine would be great. But it's all good. Just had a look
at the inflight map and we have just left Russian airspace and are in
some country where Kiev is the capital cause that's all I can see on
the screen. By the time I hit the ground in Zurich it should be about
6:00am their time.

My back is good had to take the brace off in Hong Kong as I felt like
it was constricting me and it was so humid there, when we got there it
was 29 degrees and I reckon about 99% humidity it was that bad. Vim
was right saying it was hot and sticky there! Bit different from the
outside temperature of the plane which is -60 degrees at the moment!!

Other than that I'm keen just to get on the ground as I think I'm over
flying and flying food for now :-)

Anyway better sign off for the moment lights have come on and people
are starting to wake up and talk even when it's supposedly 3:36am and
1600km to Zurich!! Crazy people!

Haha mr steward guy is coming around saying "paper towels" in an
accent quiet funny to me!! :-

Friday, June 5, 2009

UPDATE: Itinerary

A few people have been asking for an Itinerary and initially I was going to be a wondering Nomad however common sense has prevailed and below is an up to date itinerary of my travels so far.

The gap between 17th June to the 29th June and the 1st July to 5th of July will be updated as soon as I know.

Thursday 11th June

- Arrive London Heathrow

- Check-in - St Christopher's Village - - on page 8 of the video's Getaway did a story on it.

- Go to Fanatics Information night for San Fermin (Running of The Bulls) at Temple Station, London, WC2R 2PH - the Temple Walkabout : 6:30pm – 9:00pm

- Stay 4 nights 11th / 12th / 13th / 14th

Friday 12th June

- Sightseeing around London

Saturday 13th June

- Sightseeing around London

Sunday 14th June

- Checkin at another hostel - Unknown but to informed by Fanatics Tour Group

Monday 15th June

- Attend World Cup Twenty20 Cricket at The Oval with The Fanatics -

View Larger Map

- Unknown Hostel to be booked

Tuesday 16th June

- Possibly head to Cowes on the Isle of Wight -

View Larger Map

- May even head to Scotland and Ireland depending on if other Backpackers are going that way.

Wednesday 17th June

- Unknown - TBA

Monday 29th June

- Couchsurfing in Newport (Isle of Wight)

Tuesday 30th June

- Couchsurfing in Newport (Isle of Wight)

Sunday July 5th

- Fly to Barcelona Spain (Easyjet Flight 5131 departing Sun 05 Jul @ 07:25am)

- Arrive at Barcelona, Spain at 10:30am

- Board Fanatics Tour Bus at 11:30am out front of Barcelona Airport's Terminal 'A'

- Private coach transfer from Barcelona Airport (BCN) to Fanatics accommodation in Pamplona

View Larger Map

Monday 6th July

- San Fermin Opening Ceremony

- This morning our coaches transfer everyone into town. The festival begins today with a bang as the massive champagne opening ceremony party rages throughout the streets of the old town. This is simply the biggest party you’ll ever see.

Shuttles return to camp this afternoon for a well earned freshen up and swim in the campsite pool.

Tonight our live band will be on stage once again as the party continues at camp.

Tuesday 7th July

- First Bull Run

- The shuttle coaches head off bright and early this morning for the short ride into town and the traditional first running on the 7th of the 7th. Get ready for all the madness as the bulls are released in pursuit of hundreds of sangria-inspired young men legging it through the narrow streets to the main arena.

After the bull run our shuttles return to camp where breakfast will be served. The day presents a great chance to grab a siesta, take a dip in the pool, work on the long overdue sun-tan and enjoy mixing with your fellow travellers... the buzz at camp is superb.

For those who haven't been to San Sebastian our Coach Day Trip today would be an excellent option. Bookings can be made online under 'DAY TRIPS'.

Then it's time to jump on board our evening transfers into town ready for the huge nightly fiesta including street parties, a massive fireworks display, and loads of tapas bars pumping out the tunes. With literally hundreds of Fanatics t-shirts dotted around the old town you'll have no problem spotting your fellow traveller’s and getting stuck into the party in a big way.

Our shuttles operate till late in the night (1.30am) allowing you to get stuck right into the party atmosphere in Pamplona. Then head back to camp for a few hours sleep before we rise and shine early again for our shuttles into town for tomorrow's second bull run.

Wednesday 8th July

- Second Bull Run & Travel to Ibiza

- This morning you will need to pack your tent and load your bag on the coach before we head into Pamplona for this morning's bull run. Our coach heads into town for the second running of the bulls and this time you’ll be there with a trained eye. It’s a great chance to experience the running from a different vantage point and catch the thrills and spills of all the carnage.

We then board our coach at the bus station for the drive south to the ferry port in time for this evening's ferry to the party island of IBIZA! After arriving we are transferred to our hotel for check-in by which time the island's legendary clubs will be in full swing!

Thursday 9th July

- Ibiza Beaches & Partying

- Today you have the option of relaxing at the beach near our hotel or going further afield and checking out the incredible array of beaches this island has to offer. This is the perfect day for you to venture out to some of Ibiza's out-of-the-way gems that most people who visit don't make it to. Then it's back to the apartments to freshen up before we hit the famous Ibiza nightclub scene for a massive Friday night!

Friday 10th July

- Ibiza Beaches & Partying II

- Today is sure to be a slow-ish start, and no doubt most of you will be happy to spend the day on the beach. There are plenty of activity options for those of you with the energy - just ask the Fanatics crew for some ideas including diving, boat cruises and loads more. We'll see the rest of you on the beach. Tonight you've got the option of another nightclub session or spending a more chilled-out evening at some of the island's restaurants and local bars.

Saturday 11th July

- Ibiza Additional Night

Probably just a night to wind down and get some sleep before the flight tomorrow, to Paris.

Sunday 12th July

- Depart Ibiza AirportEasyJet Flight 3784 at 10:00am – Paris, Charles de Gaulle Airport (Terminal 2B) at 12:10pm

- Stay in Paris at TBA

- Meet up with a Nicole and her husband

Monday 13th July

- Paris sight-seeing

- Accomodation TBA

Tuesday 14th July

- Meet Mark Schubert and possibly Euro Disney

- Booked in at Mecure Paris Tour Eiffel Hotel – Click Here

Wednesday 15th July

- Contiki Tour Startsbegins at 5:00pm – Click Here

Thursday 16th July

- Contiki Tour Paris

Friday 17th July

- Travel to Amsterdam, Netherlands

Saturday 18th July

- More Amsterdam

- Travel to Berlin, Germany

Sunday 19th July

- Berlin

Monday 20th July

- More Berlin

Tuesday 21st July

- Prague, Czech Republic

Wednesday 22nd July

- Prague To Vienna, Austria

Thursday 23rd July

- Vienna

Friday 24th July

- Vienna To Zagreb, Croatia

Saturday 25th July

- Zagreb

Sunday 26th July

- Zagreb to Dubrovnik

Monday 27th July

- More Dubrovnik

Tuesday 28th July

- More Dubrovnik

Wednesday 29th July

- Dubrovnik To Zdar

Thursday 30th July

- Zdar

Friday 31st July

- Zdar To Venice, Italy

Saturday 1st August

- Venice

Sunday 2nd August

- Venice To Florence

Monday 3rd August

- Florence to Rome

Tuesday 4th August

- More Rome

Wednesday 5th August

- Rome - Contiki Tour Ends

- Unsure of next Destination / Depending on Work & Money

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Countdown Begins .....10...9....8....7

Time. It goes so quickly. I cant believe it's over a month since my last post. But dont worry - the updates will be rolling in alot more frequently than that, starting in 7, 7, yes 7 days or even less now! Excitement plus!

A little bit has happened since my last post in late April.

I got the good old hand me down - or should i say hand me up (thanks Toni) backpack and combined day bag. Meet my best friend and hopefully reliable mate for the trip - Mr Black Wolf - CedarBreaks 65!! (See picture on right.) Upon initial investigation i was a little wary as to whether it would hold all of my gear in it. Alot of you would think yeah its just a bag - but its more how did i get all of this into a bag - check this list out :-

9 T-Shirts / Shirts
2 x Pairs of Jeans
5 x Pairs of Shorts
1 x Pair of Cricket Pants
1 x Formal Set of Pants
4 x Belts
6 x Pairs of Breifs - or undies :-)
2 x Pairs of Boxers
1 x Tie
7 x Pairs of Socks
3 x Pair of Shoes
1 x Pair of Thongs
1 x Sleeping Bag
1 x Camera and accessories
1 x iPod touch
And copies + originals of my Travel documents etc (in seperate bags of course!)

Total = 16.3kgs

And thats not including what im wearing either. All in all im quiet happy with myself packing this. If this option failed it would be off to the luggage place to buy a bigger bag for about $280 which im sure i know i'll put to better use overseas ;-)

TIP :- that i wasnt aware of in packing - put your clothes and whatever you can into your shoes. I would never of thought of that until Toni told me. I can proudly say that i can fit a shirt, socks and undies into one shoe now times that by 3 and your have 6 shoes with alot of clothes in them. Got to love size 12 or 13 shoes!! (And yes the shoes don't stink and the clothes are wrapping in plastic bags!

Now on another note - I finally booked a place to stay when i get off the place on Thursday the 11th. Im booked into a hostel called St. Christopher's Inn-Village - 161-165 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1HR, England.

View Larger Map

It looks small from the outside but im sure they would pack you in like a sardine on the inside as well. 4 glorious nights (checkout on the 15th) are to be spent here at the handsome some of $150 in total ($37.50 per night) not bad - there were cheaper options and were a bit out of the way so i figure the central location and higher price traded off in saved money travelling to get to see the sites.

I finally got my Contiki tickets as well - me being blaz'e left it to the last minute to ask about if i needed any paperwork to take and they realised that they hadn't received the documents - but it was all good one day later i was holding my Conitiki Tickets. In all i spend 2 nights in Paris, 2 in Amsterdam (hmmm), 2 in Berlin, 2 in Prague, 2 in Vienna, 1 in Zagreb, 3 in Dubrovnik (dont ask), 2 in Zadar, 2 in Venice, 1 in Florence, 2 in Rome and the tour finishes.

Aside from this i have managed to tee up one night in Paris with a mate (does that sound dodgy to you? Because it does while im typing this up!) But seriously the day and night will be great. Initial thoughts are that we go to Euro Disney? Totally not my thing when you ask where i would go but hey its Disneyland and at least i can say that ive been there! I'm sure it will be fun whatever we decide.

Other than that i'm pretty much set - I just have to get a Travel Journal - for writing down notes instead of trying to remember things my off the top of my head. Lonely Planet books are awesome as well - im off to possibly get one tomorrow.

A minor detail - as of the 11th my mobile number here in Australia will be no longer as there is no use for it. I'm picking up a new SIM Card for my phone in the U.K and will let you all know the number as soon as i get it. Its extremely cheap for international calls so im sure the good old phone will come in use.

Well, the next time i type one of these posts up it will be from the other side of the world and hopefully having fun. sure i'll be having fun.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

40 Something Days to Go!

Well, the realisation is starting to set in.... in approx 5 weeks I will be off on an adventure! Time travels so fast - even looking through my Facebook status updates from about 10 months ago it seems like an eternity! Now its almost a reality!

I had good news 2 weeks ago when the British Consulate sent me an email confirming that my work holiday visa had been approved! :-) In all it only took approx 9 work days in all with all of the public holidays around Easter. (Apparently im an exception to the standard 25 day turn around time - but hey im not complaining!) I received my passport back a few days later with another mugshot of my melon in my unused passport. I am offically allowed to be in the U.K and work for up to 2yrs from the 10th of June 2009 to 10th of June 2011! I can enter and re-enter the country in this time also.

More updates include my plane tickets.

I have booked a plane ticket from Gatwick Airport (South London) 7:25am to Barcelonda, Spain on Sunday 5th July at 10:30am on Easyjet Flight 5131. Im a bit concerned abouth the plane arriving at 10:30am as i have to be on a bus outside the terminal by 11:30am or i miss my ride to Pamplona.

FYI this is about a 6hr bus ride, i maybe screwed but i have a backup plan if needed which is expensive, but hopefully customs are nice to me and everything will work out.

I have booked another Easyjet flight # 3784 from Ibiza (dep at 10:00am) to Paris (arr. 12:10pm) on the 12th of July.

I am scouting accomodation for my few nights stay in Paris where I am catching up with some friends that live about a 1km or so from the Eiffel Tower. It will be quiet nice to get a personal tour of Paris!

Oh, almost forgot........ cricket!
Im pretty excited that a friend that i played cricket with who is now on the Isle of Wight (on the southern tip of England) is organising to get me a few games of cricket! Really excited about this and it seems a pretty good place from what I hear.

This is pretty much my latest information and look forward to updating it as it happens.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Updated Itinery - Fun Fun Fun!

Im a happy and relieved person to report now that there are a few things that have been sorted out.

I successfully navigated my way through organising my Working Holiday Visa. Got it off in the mail last week all packaged up with my passport and other relevant documents. Its pretty risky letting such an important snapshot of who you are go into our postal system! All worries aside it managed to get to the British Consulate in Canberra on Monday. Now the wait! Apparantely a 25- 30 working day wait at the moment.

Just a bit of information about visa's if you dont know how much of a pain they are to get. In between getting stamped bank statements, another passport photo, answering and supplying the correct documentation and fingerprint scans - dont get me started on this - it can be quite stressful!

Now thats the boring work related stuff out of the way. Here is for the fun parts.

5th of July - Spain, Running of the Bulls................ no im not that stupid to run with them, from what i have heard and seen (thanks to Youtube) there is no way that i would be doing the Running of the Bulls. I will merely be a spectator and getting my exercise from lifting my arms to get my Sangria (more information here). Oh and the best part is a side tour afterwards for 4 days in Ibiza - sun and partying! From what I hear it isnt to be missed and I suppose this is why its a trip of a lifetime!

Once this tour of duty is completed is must board a plane from Ibiza to Paris on the 12th or 13th (TBA). Here i am catching up with some friends for a day or two before my Contiki tour!

It is booked for the 15th of July! Hyaaah! Im really really looking forward to this. Its called the European Spirit - it covers Eastern Europe and starts at France - Paris, Netherlands - Amsterdam - Edam, Germany - Berlin - Dresden, Czech Republic - Prague, Austria - Vienna, Slovenia, Croatia - Zagreb - Dubrovnik - Pag Island, Italy - Venice - Florence - finishing at Rome. If you want to check out on what your missing out on you can view the info here .

So this is roughly what i've organised and am doing so far. All i am doing at the moment is saving saving saving - so forgive me if i have been hiding under a rock!

Oh and the other good news is that i have 8 weeks of work left! :-)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Plane Ticket Booked - Saving like crazy

Well, I can happily report that i have my airline ticket is booked. I finally took the plunge after weeks of "im gonna do it!" the procrastination cost me about $200 as i went to book my ticket through Etihad a day after their sale finished. So instead of paying about $1080 for a 1-way ticket i ended up forking out $1275. But at least it's done.

I have my flight itinery and i fly out on (Wed) June 10th via Virgin Atlantic flight VS201 @ 2.25pm to Hong Kong, then Swiss Airlines flight LX139 from Hong Kong to Zurich, then Swiss Airlines flight LX316 and land in Heathrow @ 7.55AM on the 11th of June.

At this point in time i have no idea where i am going to stay but over the next few weeks im sure i will find a cheap and im guessing somewhat dodgy hostel to stay in for a few days.

Apart from this the only thing set in cement is that I have booked a ticket with The Fanatics Tour Group (yes that's the crazy part of the crowd dressed in green and gold that is going nuts - more than likely boozed up and just enjoying the atmosphere!)

I have a ticket to the Super 8's of the World Twenty20 Cup that is going to be played at The Oval. According to rankings and if everything works out to plan and Australia win (now that's no sure thing, the way that they are playing at the moment!) they will play England so we can dish it out to those whinging Pom's whilst enjoying a thousand beers! We get to see another game which chances are is Pakistan and Bangladesh which is the curtain raiser for the day - fun times ahead!

Aside from this i am just readying myself for the fun part of applying for a Youth Mobility Visa which i can apply for on March 11th as i can only apply 3 months out, prior to leaving. Kind of stupid that you cant apply for it any earlier. But that's Government departments - should i expect and more from them! Although they dont recommend booking a flight until you get your expected i have ignored their advice and am crossing my fingers that they get their acts together or it might only be a 3 month visit :-(

Oh yeah - did i say that i was saving like crazy!