Monday, June 15, 2009

June 11th Continued

- Finally landed at Zurich for 1/2hr and boarded another Swiss Air flight to London Heathrow. Got off plane and past customs successfully in no time at all - i think i was the last person in T2 or Terminal 2. Once i got through customs my bag was waiting for me on the carousel. No problems no lost baggage not until i find out the the Underground Tube employees were on strike! It cost me £16 to get on the Heathrow Express which was nice and comfortable but then i had to get off at Paddington and catch a taxi from the to Southwark. That set me back £21 just to get to my accomodation.

It was turning into the longest day ever and i found that when i got to the hostel i couldnt get a bed until 2:00pm which i rocked up to 10am. So i decided to put my back out in luggage and go sightseeing! 26hrs and virtually no sleep does bad things to you!

You just feel like you want to drop dead.

Walked to London Tower, London Tower Bridge and a park that was dedicated to all the British Fisherman lost at sea. It was really peaceful there so i decided to sit down for a while and write in my journal for the first time!

Finally got back to the hostel at 2:05pm and got into my dorm and had a shower and tried to sleep but only succeeding getting about 1.5hrs sleep.

Then got up and walked to Temple Station Walkabout for a Fanatics information night about the San Fermin festival in Spain (or Running of the Bulls). Met my first lots of Australians in London - which felt really good! Awesome bunch of people that saw me for the first time which a Tooheys New in my hand and called me a "Freshie" the reckon that only the people straight off the plane drink Australian beer! Guilty as charged! Hung abouts til 12:30pm UK time and walked back to hostel and tried some sleep.

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