Saturday, June 20, 2009

June 13th Cont'd....

Funnily enough i was doing my washing in the hostel when i met a couple of Australian guys from the Central Coast doing washing (yes we do it believe it or not!!).

Discovered Sainsbury's across the road from the hostel. Bought an 8 Pack of Carlsberg Export for £6 What a total bargain. Supermarkets in Australia are robbing us blind compared to some of the prices i've seen. Even a 32" LG HD LCD Television for $600 do the math!
Took the beers nad some snacks back to the hostel leisure or chillout room and drank and ate with the guys from the central coast and 4 American girls talking about differences in cultures!!

Harmy ran today (13th) also and has a room at the pub in Southampton that him and his wife Rebekah are running. Its called the The Grape.#

Toni also rang me but after 6 or 7 beers i think i just rambled on and waisted her money!! :-) Sorry Toni!!

Also suspect that i may have a dose of sunburn!!?? How can that be?

P.S Sorry about the delays in posting but its quiet hard with the amount im doing to get it out - but im getting there......eventually!!!

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