Monday, June 15, 2009

June 12th

Didnt get much sleep last night - about 3hrs or so - apparently its called Jetlag and believe me i hate it!!

If feels really weird - i feel like a duck out of water!

Had a shower and breakfast and had a quick walk through Borough Markets with a German guy named Denis that was staying in my dorm room.

Went to St. Pauls Cathedral cost £11 to get in but was really interesting and really good views of London. (definately got some pics taken. - im working out how to get them uploaded at the moment.)

Had some lunch and walked up to Covent Garden and picked up my cricket Twenty/20 tickets from the Fanatics office for Mondays game - whoever that will be!!

Lesson 1: Dont wear thongs when you walked the distance that i covered! Very very uncomfortable.

Went to Trafalgar Square - took heaps of pictures and went to Nation Gallery - got a bit cultured and checked out Picaso paintings and Van Gogh's artworks and alot of other paintings. What i found good were the little captions that tell you about the paintings...Time goes very quickly when you do this!!

Checked out No.10 Downing St - took some pics of the police at the front gate - you wouldnt want to mess with them! Heavily armed with machine guns - so i made sure i took some pics of them.. just like every other tourist!

Sitting writing in my journal across the Thames River from Big Ben and Houses of Parliament some guys wanted to interview me about digital cameras! So i didnt - they told me what website or show it would be on - but cant remember any of that information - probably a good thing!! :-)

Took some pictures of the London Eye - it costs £17 to go on it - robbery!

London seems to me to be way too fast paced for my liking at the moment. Trying to enjoy myself.

Also forgot to mention that i got myself a SIM Card and spoke with Mum last night and Duane this morning. Was good to talk to them! :-)

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