Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Countdown Begins .....10...9....8....7

Time. It goes so quickly. I cant believe it's over a month since my last post. But dont worry - the updates will be rolling in alot more frequently than that, starting in 7, 7, yes 7 days or even less now! Excitement plus!

A little bit has happened since my last post in late April.

I got the good old hand me down - or should i say hand me up (thanks Toni) backpack and combined day bag. Meet my best friend and hopefully reliable mate for the trip - Mr Black Wolf - CedarBreaks 65!! (See picture on right.) Upon initial investigation i was a little wary as to whether it would hold all of my gear in it. Alot of you would think yeah its just a bag - but its more how did i get all of this into a bag - check this list out :-

9 T-Shirts / Shirts
2 x Pairs of Jeans
5 x Pairs of Shorts
1 x Pair of Cricket Pants
1 x Formal Set of Pants
4 x Belts
6 x Pairs of Breifs - or undies :-)
2 x Pairs of Boxers
1 x Tie
7 x Pairs of Socks
3 x Pair of Shoes
1 x Pair of Thongs
1 x Sleeping Bag
1 x Camera and accessories
1 x iPod touch
And copies + originals of my Travel documents etc (in seperate bags of course!)

Total = 16.3kgs

And thats not including what im wearing either. All in all im quiet happy with myself packing this. If this option failed it would be off to the luggage place to buy a bigger bag for about $280 which im sure i know i'll put to better use overseas ;-)

TIP :- that i wasnt aware of in packing - put your clothes and whatever you can into your shoes. I would never of thought of that until Toni told me. I can proudly say that i can fit a shirt, socks and undies into one shoe now times that by 3 and your have 6 shoes with alot of clothes in them. Got to love size 12 or 13 shoes!! (And yes the shoes don't stink and the clothes are wrapping in plastic bags!

Now on another note - I finally booked a place to stay when i get off the place on Thursday the 11th. Im booked into a hostel called St. Christopher's Inn-Village - 161-165 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1HR, England.

View Larger Map

It looks small from the outside but im sure they would pack you in like a sardine on the inside as well. 4 glorious nights (checkout on the 15th) are to be spent here at the handsome some of $150 in total ($37.50 per night) not bad - there were cheaper options and were a bit out of the way so i figure the central location and higher price traded off in saved money travelling to get to see the sites.

I finally got my Contiki tickets as well - me being blaz'e left it to the last minute to ask about if i needed any paperwork to take and they realised that they hadn't received the documents - but it was all good one day later i was holding my Conitiki Tickets. In all i spend 2 nights in Paris, 2 in Amsterdam (hmmm), 2 in Berlin, 2 in Prague, 2 in Vienna, 1 in Zagreb, 3 in Dubrovnik (dont ask), 2 in Zadar, 2 in Venice, 1 in Florence, 2 in Rome and the tour finishes.

Aside from this i have managed to tee up one night in Paris with a mate (does that sound dodgy to you? Because it does while im typing this up!) But seriously the day and night will be great. Initial thoughts are that we go to Euro Disney? Totally not my thing when you ask where i would go but hey its Disneyland and at least i can say that ive been there! I'm sure it will be fun whatever we decide.

Other than that i'm pretty much set - I just have to get a Travel Journal - for writing down notes instead of trying to remember things my off the top of my head. Lonely Planet books are awesome as well - im off to possibly get one tomorrow.

A minor detail - as of the 11th my mobile number here in Australia will be no longer as there is no use for it. I'm picking up a new SIM Card for my phone in the U.K and will let you all know the number as soon as i get it. Its extremely cheap for international calls so im sure the good old phone will come in use.

Well, the next time i type one of these posts up it will be from the other side of the world and hopefully having fun. sure i'll be having fun.

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