Tuesday, April 28, 2009

40 Something Days to Go!

Well, the realisation is starting to set in.... in approx 5 weeks I will be off on an adventure! Time travels so fast - even looking through my Facebook status updates from about 10 months ago it seems like an eternity! Now its almost a reality!

I had good news 2 weeks ago when the British Consulate sent me an email confirming that my work holiday visa had been approved! :-) In all it only took approx 9 work days in all with all of the public holidays around Easter. (Apparently im an exception to the standard 25 day turn around time - but hey im not complaining!) I received my passport back a few days later with another mugshot of my melon in my unused passport. I am offically allowed to be in the U.K and work for up to 2yrs from the 10th of June 2009 to 10th of June 2011! I can enter and re-enter the country in this time also.

More updates include my plane tickets.

I have booked a plane ticket from Gatwick Airport (South London) 7:25am to Barcelonda, Spain on Sunday 5th July at 10:30am on Easyjet Flight 5131. Im a bit concerned abouth the plane arriving at 10:30am as i have to be on a bus outside the terminal by 11:30am or i miss my ride to Pamplona.

FYI this is about a 6hr bus ride, i maybe screwed but i have a backup plan if needed which is expensive, but hopefully customs are nice to me and everything will work out.

I have booked another Easyjet flight # 3784 from Ibiza (dep at 10:00am) to Paris (arr. 12:10pm) on the 12th of July.

I am scouting accomodation for my few nights stay in Paris where I am catching up with some friends that live about a 1km or so from the Eiffel Tower. It will be quiet nice to get a personal tour of Paris!

Oh, almost forgot........ cricket!
Im pretty excited that a friend that i played cricket with who is now on the Isle of Wight (on the southern tip of England) is organising to get me a few games of cricket! Really excited about this and it seems a pretty good place from what I hear.

This is pretty much my latest information and look forward to updating it as it happens.

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